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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sorry about not many new posts...

Ive been really sidetracked recently, and haven't been able to update my blog in a while. Progress is coming along fine with my kiteship designs, and I have made really big changes to its overall design. It wont look anything like the designs I posted previously.

Unfortunately, I received a comment on my last post about some guy claiming to have reproduced my idea, something about using it as his own, becoming rich, yadda yadda, yadda. Wether he is lying or not, and even though he will get absolutely nowhere with those sketches, I realized something. Im going to have to do better with releasing information on my projects. There is nothing I hate more in this world, than idea-thieves.

Here is a picture of a turtle to make up for everything. Enjoy.


  1. Pretty sure he was just trolling, I wouldn't take it seriously.

  2. yea man, be careful with what youre doing

    i haven't been able to post as much as i want yet either because its not copyrighted yet

  3. Probably just messing with you. But neat blog will follow.

  4. be careful, the world is full with thieves.

  5. ye I agree with Batow! btw +1 follower

  6. Cool blog man! Keep up the great work!

  7. Even if he did try to steal it, just make yours the best

  8. You made my GF's day with that photo. :D

  9. That sucks!!! I hope he is full of crap and your ideas are safe.

  10. Gaah! Idea thieves! Maybe copyright your work?

  11. Such a sad world.

    A good thing there's turtles :) At least we have that.

  12. I'd say don't worry - since you put it in the public domain before he can register any patent, you can also sell it and he can't sue :)

    (If he does, dispute it with your blog as proof of "out in the public domain")

    Hope this puts your mind at ease!

  13. Sucks if someone stole your idea.

  14. Dont let em scare you man, great idea for a blog if you ask me :D

  15. That really sucks man...I can't believe someone would try to steal your ideas and then taunt you with it, thats just low!

  16. The world is not so good as it looks like.
    Anyway, you know your blogg has pretty good posts, cause there's people who stole posts from it.
    So sad. Take care, but keep posting, they're very nice to read.

